Better to Be Prepared: Why Homes Should Have an Emergency Backup Generator

How Homeowners Can Prepare for Emergencies With a Backup Generator

It’s shown on the news after nearly every natural disaster: the power is out, and no one knows exactly how long it will be before it comes back on. When summer is just around the corner, if an emergency happens, the last thing anyone needs is for the power to go off and the AC to stop running.

Small hand-held, battery-operated fans won’t do much good! It’s situations like these that highlight the importance of having a backup generator. This article will discuss the function of a backup generator and why it’s important for homes to have one. It will also discuss common causes of a power outage that will cause the backup generator to activate: electrical issues and natural disasters.

Starting With the Basics: What Is a Backup Generator?

When the power goes out, it’s always a bit of a shock, followed by the question, “who else is out of power?” But with a backup generator, homeowners won’t have to worry because the generator will support the electrical system in the event of a power outage. A backup generator will kick on within seconds of a utility outage and transfer the electrical load to the generator.

A backup generator is made up of several components: an engine, a fuel system, an alternator, a voltage regulator, and cooling, exhaust, and lubrication systems. Together, these parts convert a fuel source into usable energy, which can then be used as a power source. In other words, when the power goes out, a backup generator can restore that power for the time being to keep the food in the refrigerator cold and the people in the house nice and cool too.

Electrical Issues That Spark a Need for Backup Generators

The longer the power is out, the more it starts to negatively impact the comfort of those in the home. Severe storms and natural disasters are among the top causes of power outages.

However, there are many other types of electrical issues and damage that can lead to a power outage. Here are a few electrical issues that can cause power failure:

  • If a vehicle hits a utility pole, the power line can go out.
  • If someone is trimming tree branches or if it is really windy, the trees can come into contact with power lines and disturb the power as well.
  • If a massive heatwave causes people to use more power than they usually do, a power outage can occur.

Having an emergency backup generator will prevent any HVAC inconveniences during situations like these. When a backup generator is installed, it buys homeowners more time to either wait out a widespread power outage or wait until a professional electrician can come to the home and resolve the situation.

Natural Disasters That Lead to Power Failure

Though they’re hard to predict, a natural disaster of some sort occurs every year without fail. Tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, and floods are some of the worst natural disasters that the US sees every year. Within minutes, they can destroy homes and businesses, and they don’t give homeowners much warning time to prepare for the worst. That’s why everyone should be prepared ahead of time.

When natural disasters hit, they frequently disrupt the power causing massive outages that could last for hours or even days. During the stages of recovery, it’s hard to feel safe and comfortable anywhere. Emergency backup generators are truly essential in situations like this, as they can provide a small sense of comfort and relief when everything around them has been ripped apart.

About Electrical Connections LLC

At Electrical Connections LLC in Gaithersburg, MD all technicians are safety-driven and provide unmatched care. They have been in the industry since 2003 and are looking forward to exceeding all of their client’s expectations.


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